A 5 mile run followed by southern comfort food, now that's a good start to a weekend. For quite some time we've been waiting for a good excuse to try out Lo-Lo's Chicken and Waffles and the completion of our run plus a recent job shift served as good a justification as any to head down town.

While I'm aware of my food intake/calorie content, I believe whole heartily in enjoying my culinary experience uninhibited by a socially "acceptable" waist size. That being said, deliciously opaque red Kool-aid was my beverage choice to accompany my order of Sheedah's Special (a fried breast and leg with a waffle) and my side of "candied sweets". The only disappointment in my order were the "candied sweets". Just a bit too candied for my taste. Jonathan ordered the Lo-Lo's special (two waffles + 3 pieces of fried chicken) with a side of fried Okra. We both agreed the fried chicken was darn near perfect. Unadulterated by spices the fry batter was simply delicious. We both would have preferred a crispier waffle, but the thought of requesting a modification to the menu never crossed our minds. We will certainly be back, but for our arteries sake, not in the very near future.

While in the downtown phx area we headed to a local art exhibit that I'd read a little bit about in the Roosevelt district. A little odd, and not in a provocative way, so we quickly moved about the gallery and headed outside to take in some street art. Much to my delight some new politically flavored Lalo Cota murals (which I absolutely love) were on display as well as a smattering of other street paintings/tags. Continuing to make our way home we stopped at the Heard Museum to check out a book/museum sale where Jonathan found a very helpful copy of the Sunset Western Garden Book for $3.00. Nice find indeed. Various errands later we arrived home with new, non-diet food for Mr. Jackson, a sassy new collar/tag for Sydney and some new plants for our future succulent garden.

Sunday Jonathan took to removing the remaining red brick pavers from the front of our house so that we could plant our previously potted Madagascar palms. With very thick gloves and a towel wrapped around the spiky trunks we managed to remove both palms and plant them in the ground. We would have continued our gardening efforts and planted the succulents in the front garden area but with upcoming freezing night temps (down to 29!!!) we opted to keep them in their pots so that we can bring them inside for warmth.

On a final note, while in the gallery on Saturday I found this sticker. I liked it for its strangeness but was struck by Jonathan's comment. As you can see, its a mythical, suite donning jackalope with the text, phxculture.com. "Does that mean it doesn't exist"? Interesting, very interesting..
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