Anywho, after returning to the office this afternoon I noticed I had somehow collected a mini passenger on my sweet homemade lunch bag. I thought long and hard about what to do with this little drone. At first I pitied the little guy/gal, scurrying about all alone, separated from his fellow drones. He would be stuck wandering about my cube where he would suffer an untimely demise by office chair wheel, over sized shoe or starvation. After attempting to feed my new buddy with a cereal crumb I was unrealistically put off by the fact that he didn't even stop to sniff the sugar coated flake. I started to lean towards letting him fend for himself in the office. Shortly there after my conscious got the better of me and I decided I would… then he fell off the desk. Hmm.
I wasn't quite sure how my co-workers would react if they saw me scouring the floor on my hands and knees looking for my hitchhiking ant. I'm still new here, they're not ready for that yet. I came to the conclusion he was on his own and I was freed of my duties to this little ant.
A good 10 minutes later, what do I see, that’s right, my trusty ant buddy. What a trooper! He had managed to crawl back up to my desktop. I knew I had to fulfill my duty to this little guy/gal and return it to its proper place in the world. Armed with my mini post-it I loaded up the ant and headed down 7 floors to get outside. As only proper I returned the ant to my lunch location.
Who knows what will come of this little adventuring ant, but at least now I know I've done the right thing and released it back to its rightful location. Who would have thought office life could be so exciting?
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