About three months back we hauled 3 truck loads of free dirt from down the street and mounded it in our back yard, knowing one day it would serve us well. Today was that day. Using said dirt we filled in the massive void that was the west side of our house. Due to erosion or previous owner actions the dirt was so low on the west side that the foundation was almost fully exposed. We still have to tamp down (compress) the dirt and grade it slightly away from the house, but that's for tomorrow.

In addition to dirt shoveling we also planted our first and only front yard tree. Jonathan found a great Mexican fan palm at Lowes at nearly a quarter the cost of what any nursery in town had to offer. For those not too familiar with palms, the Mexican fan palm has a somewhat skinny trunk compared to the California fan palm which has a very large, wide trunk. Both have fronds that are wide and fan like opposed to date palms which are long and narrow. Lets just say if you've seen a palm tree on a Corona commercial, its likely the one we now have in our front yard. Our little tree is supposed to grow pretty quickly, but even at its current height brings a great splash of color and movement to our desolate landscape-in-progress.
Here you can see Mr. Toby assisting Jonathan in the staking of the tree which is meant to provide a little stability during its first few days which are expected to be a bit windy.
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