About 20 minutes into our pitcher of Stella we were called to our lane. Getting the bowling party started Matt transformed himself into Mr. Mustachio, with an artful application of a little shoe polish. Classy! We rolled to The Chronic, a little Dre, a dash of Eminem, and paused mid way through our game, with the rest of the bowling alley, to judge a "Duggy" dance off. Alternating girls then guys a small crowed dance-challenged each other eventually giving way to the crowds overwhelming support of the superior male dancers. Talk about living in a bubble, when the DJ announced the Duggy I felt like a white person played by Dave Chappell. "The Duggy, golly gee, what's that"?

Sunday I got up for a run before we drove north to age restricted, Sun City to pick up some white rock, and of course snap a few pictures. Sun city is the original retirement community in Arizona and boy oh boy does its green painted rock still show it!. We managed to snag an entire truck load of stone and despite its current muddy condition we're confident it will serve our walk way well.
Once home we got to work on finishing the setup of the drainage pipe and were delighted when it successfully drained into the back yard. Filling in the trench required the sifting of our remaining rock to prevent hole plugging dirt and debris from affecting the pipe's drainage. For the remainder of the day we again shoveled dirt and rock until we could take it no longer. On the cusp of calling it a day, we were gifted with a lemon tree from friends down the street, so we pulled together our remaining energy dutifully planted our little citrus. Then we called it a day for real.
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