Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Soy milk drinkers beware!!
Its always so frustrating when you treat yourself to Starbucks before work only to end up with a drink that you can't drink!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Exercise smarts
Day 1

Jonathan was fortunate to have a kitty study buddy for the last few days of his studying, however, I highly doubt Toby was much help. Sure he makes it look like he studies till he has nothing left, but don't be fooled by his cute kitty ways.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Yuppie Shame
Back in my car I headed to a Safeway I'd seen in a ritzier part of town. A part of town that has a higher ratio of Lexus' and BMWs than beater trucks and Civics. Yes, I can be a judgmental bastard. Even the outside had an appeal that made smile on the inside, this was going to be a good grocery trip.
Here comes the yuppie shame.
This Safeway is the kind of place that makes me want to get a second job. The fresh meat and seafood displays made my mouth water. I longed to throw a dinner party, who cares if we don't have friends yet. The isles were just slightly larger, more spacious, and better lit than our local Safeway. The coup de gras wasn't the amazing wine/liquor section, nor the beautiful bakery and over priced bins, but the nut bar. The nut bar was a doughnut shaped glass enclosure of shear nut glory. Surely during the day a nut expert would wait in the nut bar to serve your every gourmet nut need. Never have I ever seen such a thing. I'm not the biggest fan of nuts, but the sight of it made me want to buy some just to have the nut bar purchasing experience. It took all my will power not to stop and stare for too long. Too hard of a stare would surely signal that I wasn't from around these parts.
Yeah I admit, its strange to have such strong feelings for a Safeway, but for all those who do the weekly shopping, I'm willing to bet you understand the experience. This is a kind of place that makes you re-prioritize your budget. Should I feel guilty for being so materialistic, probably, but did I enjoy the fresher tasting salmon, baked goods and bin treats that I gathered... hell yes I did.
Friday, July 17, 2009
use/gallery/. You might say its sick to consider an over-sized hot dog on wheels stuck in your house a good thing, but I dare say its a National icon and, darn it, it would be an honor.
PS. Apparently the Hupps also heart beer, "what's a hot dot without beer"? Personally one of the Hupps prefers a visit from the Captain, or rather his better tasting, higher proof associate, "Sailor Jerry", but let's let bygones be bygones and have a moment of silence in respect for the awesome Wienermobile.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Our casita
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Moving day in Phoenix - temp around 115
This past Sunday was a beautiful day because at 7:30 am on the dot, the ginormous moving truck containing our worldly possessions finally arrived. I'm not one for Semi-Truck love, but this truck stole my heart. I mean look at it, its the biggest truck I've ever seen and its, well, its just cool! We loved the fact that, despite the truck's massive size, like the average mover, it too ran out of room. Strapped to the back were 4 mattresses. Strapping mattresses on the back of an over-sized tractor trailer is just about as silly as "holding down" a full sized mattress on top of your car while you speed down the freeway.
Some of the side shots show how tight our stuff was packed in. It took the movers about 2 hours to get everything out of the Arlington apartment and into the truck, but it only took them about an hour to get it all crammed into our living room.
Despite having almost passed out due to a shelving assembly injury (mind you I have 3 tattoos and have never in my entire life come this close to passing out from pain), in 13 hours of unpacking we made darn good progress. We still have a little organizing to do but for the most part it was a rather productive day. Granted, about 2/3 of our boxes remain closed and "neatly" stacked in or second bedroom, its finally nice to have our stuff and make our temporary apartment more of a temporary home.
Check out the album for some lovely moving photos. (**includes a picture of my gross injury, yes I can be dramatic**)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Keepin it classy Arizona
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Road trip pictures
Check out the slide show for a variety of pics from our trip. They're in order from VA to TN to AR to OK to TX to NM to AZ. Please keep in mind these are pretty much all taken through a bug covered windshield while driving, so some may be a wee blurry or spotted with windshield victims.
Religious disclaimer: Please be aware there will be Jesus billboards as well as pictures of Jesus truck stops. No intent to offend here, just interesting observations from the non-religious Hupps.