About 3 weeks back Jonathan sent me a picture text of what looked like a bent branch on one of the front yard palms. Bummer I thought, then gave pause, zoomed in on the picture and better understood his text of "Oh No!!"
This dreaded beast gives the appearance that we share our neighbor's outlook on politics. Honestly, could they get it a little closer to the property line, do the signs come with instructions for how to push the limit of your neighbor's boundary?
Despite a good amount of frustration, I let it slide for a while, and ordered up some political signage of my own. However, a note recently shoved in our door for a "doomsday preparedness" meeting, including spiritual preparedness, was the final straw. If by chance one of our neighbors has been duped by this sign, it was time to set things straight, in the gentlest of ways possible.
The flamingos served their purpose quite well for a few days but returned to slightly random lawn ornament status after the neighbors moved their sign. As I stopped mid driveway pull-in and glared at my reinvigorated nemesis my rage-o-meter ticked its way to the red zone with record speed especially since upon first glance I was sure they had moved our birds. A little reason later, I decided they'd moved their sign. I called my mom to vent, and came up with all sorts of fantastic signage retaliation concepts, however Jonathan's "play nice with the neighbors" attitude has quashed all potential snarky awesomeness.
It may be another week before my political sign/shirt/buttons arrive, but when they do, I will certainly be working on clever and mobile placement. No, not right in front of their sign, which Jonathan has already forbid, but located in a place where people coming down our street can see our side of the political story. One would think they could at least have some common decency and place their sign on the other side of their driveway, however, the fine words of a recent Pickles cartoon ring true in this situation, "...the key to having fewer disappointments in life is to lower your expectations".
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