This year we had a pretty good harvest from our solitary Grapefruit tree, and thanks to our mini bumper crop I had to come up with a more waistline friendly consumption method than continuing to make grapefruit pound cakes. The next best option, marmalade. I found many a recipe online and finally settled on one that included a mix of honey, sugar, grapefruit, and ginger. Sounds like a reasonable Sunday project right?
After scooping the potentially hazardous burning gu into the bottles Jonathan helped me tighten the lids before placing them in the boiling water. This is the point at which Jonathan questioned. "Could these explode?". I honestly had not thought of this but since I wasn't sure, I suggested we take a step back.
While waiting for the marmalade to cool we enjoyed a little chill time in our backyard. I sat with Jackson on one of the lounge chairs while Jonathan provided a little musical entertainment. Just before we were about to head in Toby sauntered up from the back gate with a small feathery gift. Nothing too extreme, but its the thought that counts.
I didn't end up trying the marmalade until the next day and boy oh boy is it grapefruity and mighty thick. Sometimes, and I do emphasize, SOMETIMES, I get a sweet bite of a delicious homemade marmalade, but for a majority of the time I'm reminded why grapefruits are more often than not sugared before consumed. Seeing that this batch is a bit too intense for my taste I've starting to brainstorm with my mom some additional ingredients that I can be mixed into cut the tang of the grapefruit..
Yum |
Our time outside also included a visit from a little hummingbird. |
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