I spent 4 out of 5 days this past work week enjoying a taste of California. I'm a Bay Area girl to the bone, but any time spent, pretty much anywhere in California warms my heart and reminds me how much I heart the state. Seeing that I was in town for work purposes I didn't get to many free time activities, but was able to take in some sights and a few pictures during my stay.

I stayed on the 14th floor of a swanky hotel on Wilshire Blvd and could even catch a glimpse of the Pacific ocean! The style of the hotel was such that had I wanted to dawn a robe while hanging out in my room my choices were Zebra print or Leopard print. The exotic robes were fitting for the massive red pocket door that served as the bathroom door.

To get to work each day I walked though a lovely neighborhood. I didn't go off my map's path knowing I'd get lost, since even with the map in hand I tended to walk the opposite direction before noticing that my little dot was no longer on the designated path. Thank goodness for technology. I didn't take as many pictures as I could have but tried to focus on some of the more interesting homes and items I came across. The area was so beautifully Californian with a wide variety of house and apartment styles, gorgeous lush and colorful landscaping and people who smiled and said hello as you passed.

On my final day in LA I had the chance to make a house visit to set up some equipment in Santa Monica. I can't say for sure if I've ever been to Santa Monica before, but its an interesting place. Lost of packed in homes and 1970s color inspired apartments. Somehow the funny light pink and even lighter pink accent works out there. Due to a little drama I actually had the chance to make it out to Santa Monica twice, but sadly both times I didn't make it to the beach. It was so darn close but a beach visit just wasn't in the cards, nor on the work schedule.
I flew back to Phoenix on Thursday evening and, as always, was very happy to return home to Jonathan, a very happy and wiggly Mr. Jackson and the kitties. In just over a week I'll be making my way to DC for another work adventure. I'm very much looking forward to returning to the area and catching up with some good friends while in town.
(Below are a few more pictures from my morning walks to work)
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