I've undoubtedly been remiss in my Hupp home improvement posts so here is a brief run down. A few weeks back I started the laborious task of painting the side of the house as well as the outdoor ceiling beams. I've since finished the blue wall but ran out of Plymoth green about two weeks back and have not had the motivation to buy more paint and get back up on the ladder.
Hasta la vista original pink and tragic red! |
Since painting outside in 100 plus degree temperatures can't be good for the paint I simply moved the painting inside. Having recently purchased a new ceiling fan for our bedroom, pre-installation the ceiling needed to be painted, and like it or not, ceiling painting has become a bit of an acquired skill. After that was completed I realized, with the furniture moved to the center of the room, it was a great time to get rid of the red walls. First I patched some wall issues, primed and started down the road of color samples. About 6 shades of orange later we agreed on Mango Madness, a perfect pairing with out honeydew guest room! Three, yes three coats of mango madness later our room is looking terrific. Our room progress hit a bit of a snag when Jonathan realized that due to the previous fan's instillation we were not able to install the new fan ourselves and will be calling in an expert.

Back to painting. Amid my painting euphoria I realized just how many doors and door frames, 4 in total, remained a nasty oily looking beige, despite all of their surrounding walls having been repainted. The new white doors and their surrounds look great. The white pops not only against the orange but also brings a little snap to the barely-beige of the hallway. Painting an entire bedroom and 4 doors in about 4 days, not bad at all.
With painting completed it was time to move outside on a 108 degree day with 30% plus humidity. Ah yes, an ideal day for planting. In just under an hour Jonathan and I managed to snazzy up our front yard with a handful of natal plum bushes. True we need more to complete the row, and yes they are pretty small, but given time they'll grow up nicely. We are hoping to get our front yard rocked as of the end of the month but the completion of the walkway will undoubtedly have to wait for cooler temperatures.
They're wee right now but will grow, flower and eventually
provide fruit for which Jonathan informs me I can make Jelly
from. We'll see how that goes. |
I think that about covers our household efforts, at least until next weekend!
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