Despite the occasional scrape and bruise the project is coming along very well and the side of the house is looking great. The picture is a little deceiving since I've actually finished painting the wall, and only have one more coat to paint on a small section of the car part, but its to show progress. This side will be finished as of tonight and soon, after the bruises heal a bit, I'll be back on the ladder to start painting the back half.
Taking a much need break mid afternoon I went on a minor shopping/errand adventure about town. Before I headed out I started a load in the washer not expecting the mess I eventually returned to. Somewhere along our drain line a nasty little clog managed to back up our pluming causing the kitchen sink to burp up something real nasty and the washer machine to overflow, leaving pooled water in our living room, laundry closet and underneath the kitchen and guest room floors. We mopped up water as best as possible and directed fans at the walls/floor in an effort to dry up any wetness in the walls.Our trusty plumber arrived shortly after we called and quickly relieved our drain of the surely nasty clog. Oh home ownership, the gift that keeps on giving.
I felt bad for Mr. Jackson who appeared to be experiencing quite the stressful day. During the morning he seemed a little more preoccupied than normal with which of his toys Yager was interested in, he was a bit on edge by the moving in of our new next door neighbors and was probably thinking the "anticipated" end of days was sure to come true when the sink started belching and the flood oozed from our washing machine. Sydney on the other hand was ready and waiting in the towel cabinet to lend a helping paw.
Needing a break from the house we took a leisurely ride along the canal and rode around a ritzy, mansion filled neighborhood in Paradise Valley. One house, a particularly unattractive and rather commercial looking beast amid a collection of beautiful estates, advertised an eight car garage on its For Sale sign. We don't even have that many things with wheels at our house!
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