This year Jonathan and I hosted our first official Thanksgiving in our house. We started off the holiday weekend by welcoming my parents to our little casa the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. As I pulled into the cell-phone-waiting parking lot I spied an absolutely beautiful Rolls Royce. No one was bold enough to park by this gem so I took it upon myself and pulled into the stall to its right. I thought about sneaking in some photos from my car but realized it was silly, this was a car you wanted people to notice. The driver was more than happy to oblige my photos and gave me a brief run down of the car. Built in the 50s, previous and only past owner was Bing Crosby, all original interior and wood work. The new owner said that the carpet was a little worn when purchased but when they went to replace it, upon removal they found that the "real" original interior carpeting was still sealed in plastic and had only been covered by the other carpet. Pretty cool stuff.
Parents and luggage smooshed into the Mini we headed home where my parents would be the first official guests to stay in our newly completed guest room. It took quite a few weekends/week nights to get the guest room finished for their visit, but it turned out great! (More on this to follow, with pictures of course.) Mr. Jackson let out some home defending barks but quickly warmed up to my parents and was happy to show off his cuteness/playing skills almost every moment of their visit.

Thanksgiving day's high temperature was darn near record breaking low, matching a temp set in 1924 (or somewhere around there). 50 degree weather was certainly not the Valley of the Sun I was hoping my parents would enjoy, but at least it was sunny. We were joined by Hares and Caetanos and enjoyed quite a tasty feast, accompanied was a glorious assortment of desserts that Jonathan and I are still working on.
On Monday afternoon we drove over to a rather unique looking church on 7th Ave, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Jonathan and I have dubbed it the Klingon Church as it looks like something straight out of Star Trek which, upon first sight, my parents readily agreed with. The building is impressive when you see it from the road, but even more impressive seen up close. The attention to detail, pattern and flow of the structure and its surrounding landscaping is quite beautiful and exceptionally well done. Not being church goers the only reason we wanted to enter the massive building was the view the intricate stained glass that lines a spire jutting out from the center of the roof, but alas all doors were locked, and we weren't daring enough to attend a church tour.
Just as the weather was making a steady crawl back into the 60s and 70s I took my parents to the airport for their trip back to California. We enjoyed their visit very much and look forward to their next, hopefully warmer, visit to the valley. Jackson was uncharacteristically mopey on Tuesday evening, as he surely missed his new friends and entertainers, but is steadily perking back up. We are thankful to have been able to host our first Thanksgiving with family and look forward to many more! (See slide show on right for more pics)
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