The last time I met with my orthopedist he told me that based on the E.R. x-rays as well as their x-rays there was no indication of torn ligaments. Broken bones, yes, and way over stretched ligaments, yes, but not tears. This week I returned to the orthopedist following my very first MRI and learned a little more.
The MRI confirmed the bone facture, which was explained akin to cracking the shell of a hard boiled egg. The shell shatters but stays intact, opposed to crumbling apart. I also managed to bruise the bone pretty well, which was explained like smashing a ping pong ball and leaving a divot. Nice. The cherry topper of the analysis was that I did manage to tear a ligament. The injury is called a "Bankhart lesion". I never felt like a wimp for my massive drug intake on the day of the injury, but the list of traumas sure helps justify my narcotic consumption. I still do not require surgery, but was told that with this type of extreme initial dislocation, a second dislocation is very possible.
This whole second dislocation factor has me quite concerned. The Dr. said that its not "likely", but possible, however, scarring and strengthening should help to prevent future dislocations. He said it could happen at any time, even mid simple tasks like when I'm reaching for a glass in a cabinet. Not cool. The thought of repeating the pain and immobility of my arm is frightening to say the least. I've been released from using the sling 24/7 but keep it with me in case my shoulder starts getting tired. I'm allowed to use my shoulder/arm to an extent but do not start PT until the week after Thanksgiving, making the time between injury and PT 4 weeks of recovery, Dr.'s orders.
I'm looking forward to starting PT to get this little guy strengthened up and functioning but not too thrilled that it could take 6 months to regain 80% of my past mobility and possibly over a year to get to 100%. Who would have thunk one fall off a beach cruiser would do so much damage.
Below are two images from my MRI showing the various injuries
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