Friday, February 26, 2010


For the last two weeks the Winter Olympics has brought tears to my eyes on a nightly basis. You name it, ice dancing, down hill skiing, snowboard half pipe, even bobsledding brings about uncontrollable eye moisture. And, these tears are not patriotic, no, they appear for American teams, German teams, Canadians, you name it, I'll cry over it. Its now to the point where I can't talk when the Olympics are on because my voice breaks, giving away the emotion I'm trying unsuccessfully to control. This level of emotional devotion may make you think I have some freak affinity for the winter Olympics, but this isn't the case in the least. The last time I was aware the Winter Olympics were taking place was when they were in Salt Lake, back in 2002, and I'm pretty darn sure I didn't watch any of the coverage.

Yesterday during my drive into work the mere mention of the Canadian ice skater, who recently lost her mother, started to get me chocked up. In a futile attempt to prevent pre-work tears I changed the station. Little did I know, the sweet melody of Cyndi Lauper would also bring about a case of the vapors. Its so pathetic I can't help but laugh as tears form.

After a night sans Olympics, and avoidance of any Olympic news coverage I was relieved when Nine Inch Nails' "Closer" managed to get my Friday off to a tear-free start.

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