A few Saturday's ago, my mom arrived after a 12+ hour drive down from the the lovely island of Alameda, CA. The ginormous truck she was driving came packed with all kinds of goodness, like the much anticipated stacked washer dryer unit, a sweet poang chair,and some slightly scary family "heirlooms". I was really excited to see my mom, and quite relieved that I would no longer be making weekly trips to the sketchy Laundromat.
Unfortunately, Jackson didn't seem to share our excitement for my mom's arrival. After an initial sniff and grumble and then an eventual bite, we found out Jackson was a bit more aggressive than expected. It was reminiscent of a bad infomercial, there we stood, shocked and dismayed at our wild animal's unruly behavior. Luckily for us, and Mr. Jackson, my mom has considerable experience with dogs and working with them using many of Cesar Milan's amazing dog whisperer methods. I kid you not, given a few days of one on one time my mom was able to whip Mr. Jackson into shape. We are still working with him every time someone comes over but since her visit he plays better, he has learned words (toy, bone, treat), he has learned a "sit" command and overall seems to enjoy a little more structure and having more of an established role in the pack.
To the left are some pictures of Mr. Jackson as well as an awesome mosaic my mom completed during her stay in Phoenix.
Friday, February 26, 2010
For the last two weeks the Winter Olympics has brought tears to my eyes on a nightly basis. You name it, ice dancing, down hill skiing, snowboard half pipe, even bobsledding brings about uncontrollable eye moisture. And, these tears are not patriotic, no, they appear for American teams, German teams, Canadians, you name it, I'll cry over it. Its now to the point where I can't talk when the Olympics are on because my voice breaks, giving away the emotion I'm trying unsuccessfully to control. This level of emotional devotion may make you think I have some freak affinity for the winter Olympics, but this isn't the case in the least. The last time I was aware the Winter Olympics were taking place was when they were in Salt Lake, back in 2002, and I'm pretty darn sure I didn't watch any of the coverage.
Yesterday during my drive into work the mere mention of the Canadian ice skater, who recently lost her mother, started to get me chocked up. In a futile attempt to prevent pre-work tears I changed the station. Little did I know, the sweet melody of Cyndi Lauper would also bring about a case of the vapors. Its so pathetic I can't help but laugh as tears form.
After a night sans Olympics, and avoidance of any Olympic news coverage I was relieved when Nine Inch Nails' "Closer" managed to get my Friday off to a tear-free start.
Yesterday during my drive into work the mere mention of the Canadian ice skater, who recently lost her mother, started to get me chocked up. In a futile attempt to prevent pre-work tears I changed the station. Little did I know, the sweet melody of Cyndi Lauper would also bring about a case of the vapors. Its so pathetic I can't help but laugh as tears form.
After a night sans Olympics, and avoidance of any Olympic news coverage I was relieved when Nine Inch Nails' "Closer" managed to get my Friday off to a tear-free start.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Late 20’s + Ear Infection… honestly?
Day 1: I tried to pretend it was only an ear ache, and that with some tender love and care it would go away.
Day 2: My middle ear was now swollen to the point that I could only hear muffled noises out of my left ear. If I was daring enough to endure the pain to open my jaw wide enough to shove in some food, all sound was lost as I crunched on my cereal. Time to see a Dr.
Following the slightly insulting comments of “must be pretty bad if you came to a Dr. for an ear ache”, the nurse took my temperature. Her awesome comments continued when she informed me that my temp was 99.5, “indicating that there really was something going on”, “not to say we didn’t believe you”. Good to know they were expecting a lying hypochondriac. A good 10 minutes after the nurse left the Dr. came in prepared for a weight loss program speech since the nurse had added an extra 100 lbs to my chart. Awesome attention to details. After some obligatory chatting the Dr. shoved something in my ear already sensitive ear, and jostled it around to the point that my left eye was watering uncontrollably. As if the first time wasn't bad enough, after a little diagnosis chatter she decided she needed another look. Yes, indeed it hurt worse the second time, but thanks for the extra effort.
Since I am now the proud owner of an HSA insurance plan (aka, I pay every dime until I hit my premium of $1400) after she recited the "tests" she wanted to run on me I asked her how much they cost. I could hear the thought-hamster-wheel loud and clear. Post "ums", "uhs" and blank stares she finally admitted she had no clue how much they cost. I didn't care too much that she was ignorant of the cost she imposes on the patient, so as she climbed onto her "I’m a conservative" soap box and explained to me the "problems with health care", my admiration for the view from the 25th floor grew. Her mentioning of the disconnect between Dr.'s, Pharmaceutical companies and patients didn’t help the fact that, as a Dr. with no concept of how much medical tests cost, she was only contributing to the problem. I opted to hold off on the blood draws.
At this point she wrote a prescription down on my trusty chart and walked out of the room. She returned a good 10 minutes later to inform me she had done some research to find out the price of the tests. Super, couldn’t you have done that on your own time, instead of mine? She then told me she was going to “write up the prescription”. Surely this should have taken 30 seconds while she scribbled it on a little pad and sent me off on my now in more pain way. No no, not at this state of the art office. I had originally appreciated the fact that this office was predominantly electronic, but when it took them 15 minutes to type up my Rx, and print it out my appreciation for the technological efforts had faded.
When I originally scheduled the appointment I was asked, if I'd be making this Dr. my primary care physician. Odd question to ask of someone who hasn't even met the Dr., but I said yes to move on with the appointment set up. I suppose they gave it their all, but after an hour plus long appointment that resulted in my left ear becoming numb to deal with the pain from the assault/inspection I have a funny feeling I won’t be returning any time soon.
Day 2: My middle ear was now swollen to the point that I could only hear muffled noises out of my left ear. If I was daring enough to endure the pain to open my jaw wide enough to shove in some food, all sound was lost as I crunched on my cereal. Time to see a Dr.
Following the slightly insulting comments of “must be pretty bad if you came to a Dr. for an ear ache”, the nurse took my temperature. Her awesome comments continued when she informed me that my temp was 99.5, “indicating that there really was something going on”, “not to say we didn’t believe you”. Good to know they were expecting a lying hypochondriac. A good 10 minutes after the nurse left the Dr. came in prepared for a weight loss program speech since the nurse had added an extra 100 lbs to my chart. Awesome attention to details. After some obligatory chatting the Dr. shoved something in my ear already sensitive ear, and jostled it around to the point that my left eye was watering uncontrollably. As if the first time wasn't bad enough, after a little diagnosis chatter she decided she needed another look. Yes, indeed it hurt worse the second time, but thanks for the extra effort.
Since I am now the proud owner of an HSA insurance plan (aka, I pay every dime until I hit my premium of $1400) after she recited the "tests" she wanted to run on me I asked her how much they cost. I could hear the thought-hamster-wheel loud and clear. Post "ums", "uhs" and blank stares she finally admitted she had no clue how much they cost. I didn't care too much that she was ignorant of the cost she imposes on the patient, so as she climbed onto her "I’m a conservative" soap box and explained to me the "problems with health care", my admiration for the view from the 25th floor grew. Her mentioning of the disconnect between Dr.'s, Pharmaceutical companies and patients didn’t help the fact that, as a Dr. with no concept of how much medical tests cost, she was only contributing to the problem. I opted to hold off on the blood draws.
At this point she wrote a prescription down on my trusty chart and walked out of the room. She returned a good 10 minutes later to inform me she had done some research to find out the price of the tests. Super, couldn’t you have done that on your own time, instead of mine? She then told me she was going to “write up the prescription”. Surely this should have taken 30 seconds while she scribbled it on a little pad and sent me off on my now in more pain way. No no, not at this state of the art office. I had originally appreciated the fact that this office was predominantly electronic, but when it took them 15 minutes to type up my Rx, and print it out my appreciation for the technological efforts had faded.
When I originally scheduled the appointment I was asked, if I'd be making this Dr. my primary care physician. Odd question to ask of someone who hasn't even met the Dr., but I said yes to move on with the appointment set up. I suppose they gave it their all, but after an hour plus long appointment that resulted in my left ear becoming numb to deal with the pain from the assault/inspection I have a funny feeling I won’t be returning any time soon.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
I wonder what kind of day its going to be when on the way to work I almost start crying while singing the non David Bowie version of Major Tom? Honestly, Major Tom?
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Easy Rider
If you ride with three feet long, black leather motorcycle streamers are you more bad ass than the rider without? Sure they’re black, instead of iridescent rainbow, but honestly, a streamer is a streamer. And, call me crazy, but aren’t gratuitously lengthy streamers a hazard on a motorcycle? Not only might I feel a little silly if my streamers started slapping me in a cross wind, but what if they got stuck in engine parts, or started snaking over to other cars? Perhaps I should stop being cynical and find it refreshing that in a state where people take their guns to Starbucks and The Good Egg, there are still rebels out there rocking the streamer. Or, perhaps I should not linger by the bad ass streamers and mind my own.
Hairy Hupps family update

Jackson, being quite the cooperative little dog, has been known to sport a sweater on chilly days and rock the bandana on celebratory days like Superbowl Sunday. I don’t think I’ll be outfitting him with accessories on a daily basis, but he is just so darn cute and content with whatever you dress him in that he may steadily acquire a small wardrobe. Perhaps I can take my sewing to a whole new level to include canine fashion.

Cat lovers and middle children, worry not, even though we have a new addition, I continue to take plenty of photos of our kitties. All hairy Hupps share equal camera time. Here Sydney is displaying her attention to good nutrition and the importance of daily fruit intake, and below we have the ever watchful eye of Mr. Toby, supervising from the comfort of his hidden kitty perch. His eye may appear closed, but don’t try to get away with anything… he is a sneaky little bugger.
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