Check out our new furry addition, Jackson.

After careful consideration of our kitties and our budget we decided to rescue Jackson from a less than healthy home. His previous owners were told he is a purebred Jack Russell, but you can definintely see that he has a dash of Chihuahua to him. He is around 12 – 13 pounds which we’ll find out for sure when we take him to the vet for the dreaded neutering appointment. Welcome to the family, get comfortable, then SNIP! A little harsh for the second week, but it needs to be done, so why prolong the wait.
Toby is still a little unsure of Jackson and isn’t really happy with his existence, but he is steadily adjusting. Sydney on the other hand is either good about ignoring him, or potentially not too aware of his presence. Love her dearly but she isn’t always the brightest bulb in the box. I think she continues to hiss more at Toby than at Jackson. Both cats are back to hanging out with us in the living room and roaming about the house without fear, which is a great sign. At least once a night, perhaps during a bout of crankiness, Toby likes to challenge Jackson with a few swipes, which Jackson finds very entertaining. We truly believe that Jackson only wants to play and is not acting maliciously, but we’re not foolish enough to think this behavior is ok and leave them unsupervised. Its going to take time, but hopefully sooner rather than later, they’ll be content with some form of mutual avoidance.
Toby is still a little unsure of Jackson and isn’t really happy with his existence, but he is steadily adjusting. Sydney on the other hand is either good about ignoring him, or potentially not too aware of his presence. Love her dearly but she isn’t always the brightest bulb in the box. I think she continues to hiss more at Toby than at Jackson. Both cats are back to hanging out with us in the living room and roaming about the house without fear, which is a great sign. At least once a night, perhaps during a bout of crankiness, Toby likes to challenge Jackson with a few swipes, which Jackson finds very entertaining. We truly believe that Jackson only wants to play and is not acting maliciously, but we’re not foolish enough to think this behavior is ok and leave them unsupervised. Its going to take time, but hopefully sooner rather than later, they’ll be content with some form of mutual avoidance.

He's the funniest looking dog. I'm visiting home next weekend with my best friend (we need to escape the snow for at least a few days), so maybe we'll get to see you guys and meet him!