Tuesday (10-5) Phoenix and the surrounding areas experienced quite a storm. Winds up to 70 mph shut down runways at PHX, golf ball to tennis ball sized hail (depending on who you talk to) damaged cars and people, all topped off with some good ole fashion flash flooding. I was sure to stay in the center traffic lane traveling home and held my breath every time my little mini had to traverse a flooded dip in the road. My 4 mile commute, which usually takes me about 15 to 20 minutes, took a solid hour.

When I arrived home I came across two storm casualties. Worry not, the pets and house were unharmed. Jonathan's bike glove was victim number one. We know Jackson is a bit of a chewer, but the stress of the storm apparently threw him into high gear, as seen to the right. When I first saw the glove I started to say "bad..." in a slightly firm tone, but turned to find Jackson and saw him cowering behind me. Poor little guy. He definitely knew he had done something wrong and from his reaction, he may have been abused before we rescued him, so I left it at that. After a little heart to heart chat Jackson and I went outside to survey the backyard, which is where I found victim number two.
Sorry dad. |

Despite Maurice's best effort of reducing the size of his leaves, (regular vs shrunken see here) the wind got in a solid punch and broke one of his branches. We're not too worried since Maurice is a hearty tree and will surely make a full recovery.

As of Wednesday we were back to the 80s, sans rain or crazy winds, and I have no doubt we'll make our way up to the 90s soon.
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