Thursday, July 29, 2010

I didn't order that...

Realizing my soy yogurt cup was not going to get me through the last half of my day I oped to get a sandwich for lunch.  Budget in mind, I ventured over to the near by Subway, which had never been at the top of my Subway list.  While standing in line with my fellow lunch minions as instructed I yelled my sandwich order over the guy in front of me.  The sandwich maker and I went back and forth attempting to clarify that yes, I did indeed want the bacon on my turkey, BACON and avocado sandwich.  The 4th "yes" apparently made it semi clear.  My sandwich steadily made its way down the line as did I, scooching closer and closer to the veggies.  That's when it happened.

One of the sandwich makers stepped away from her position and started walking toward the back room.  About 2 feet from the open doorway she slowed, tilted her head down ever so slightly and... sneezed.  No elbow, no hand, no nothing.  To make matters worse her sneeze took place right next to the bread case with its double glass doors wide open.  Her sandwich buddy still at the counter turned to her and made a comment to which they both chuckled.  Ah yes, I too find sneezing in the open while in the process of food service entertaining.

The second thought, post initial disgust, that went through my head was, "well I already have my bread, and my sandwich was protected by the body of a sandwich maker..", and then it got worse.  Sneezy actually returned to her sandwich spot.  No change of gloves, no washing of the hands, nothing, again, nothing!  That was the final straw. Right as my hard fought for excuse for bacon came out of the microwave I had to tell the pal of sneezey that I no longer wanted my sandwich.  And with that, like a liberated lemming I squeezed past the the penguinesque man blocking the line exit and broke out of Sneezeway.  How gross!  Have some standards people!

Subway at Central and Thomas, you are officially off my list of eating venues.  Can't even say it was nice while it lasted.

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