This past weekend Jonathan and I had the pleasure of visiting Chicago for a dear friend's wedding. This was my first time visiting the city and Jonathan's first time visiting at an age where he could actually remember the visit. While we escaped the 100+ degree heat Jackson spent some quality time with his pack cousins in Scottsdale.
We arrived in Chicago around 3 on Friday and were greeted by a nice helping of humidity. I have to admit I kind of miss the humidity, but wasn't feeling as nostalgic when I realized my hair was starting to take on a frizzy life of its own. We took the Orange line (which used to be the very line we commuted on while in Arlington, VA) and checked into our hotel. Our room turned out to be one of the smallest we've ever stayed in, sans couch, with a full bed and a bathroom door you nearly had to turn sideways to walk through, but we planned on being out an about most of the time so the accomodations worked just fine.
Thanks to some advice from Chicago natives we ventured towards Millennium park to get in some sight seeing before the pre-wedding day mingling party at Elephant and Castle. We took in the gigantic bean (officially Cloud Gate), as well as some bizarre massive fountains (Crown Fountains) with faces that occasionally spit water at you. Call me a party pooper, but I really wasn't too keen on touching the water shared by a ton of diaper donning little kids, nor getting too close to an artistic fountain that I found to be more odd than artistic. Jonathan on the other hand was bold enough to touch one and stand for a cheezy picture.
On Saturday we ventured to the Chicago art museum, complete with massive Blackhawk helmet wearing lions and a Matisse exhibit. Quite the nice museum, fantastic layout, great exhibits but a so darn big it couldn't possibly be taken in in only one day. Following our visit we took in some Chicago style pizza (a must while in town) then waddled back into the City. We came across a pretty cool looking building which happened to be the public library, but it turned out to have a way more interesting exterior than interior. Don't get me wrong, it was a very nice library, but we didn't stay too long. We wandered back through Millennium park and ended our daily adventure by chilling out by the Buckingham Fountain.
Saturday evening was all about the wedding!!! We joined other out of towners on a bus and made our way out to Chief O'Neils for the ceremony and reception. In true spring in Chicago style the rain started coming down on our trip there, and even threatened to sprinkle on the wedding party but graciously waited until the finish of the ceremony to start pouring. The ceremony was quite beautiful, and truly captured the essence of Meghan and Brian's personalities. Post ceremony we enjoyed some delicious libations, fantastic food and one heck of a good party. Can't beat boogieing down with Jonathan and good friends from my home town of Alameda all evening long!
We finished out our trip on Sunday with another lovely walk about the city. We walked over to the still slightly green river and took in some views of the Honeycomb buildings and The House of Blues. It was tough to leave the city, but we made our way back to the desert, arriving around 4 to be welcomed by 107 degree, hairdryer in the face, heat. Visiting Chicago made me miss the big city, as well as the lush green parks of states other than AZ but as always its nice to be back home.
Be sure to check out the cheeky, and sometimes blurry pics of our trip!