Monday, March 22, 2010


Despite a rocky start, Saturday, March 19th , turned out to be a good day. Jonathan's grand aspirations for finishing the sanding of the wood beams came to a quick end when the last remaining sanding belt was ripped to shreds by a mischievous random nail. Then, despite our best efforts to spend some money we left many a furniture store empty handed. Time for some fast food therapy. We stopped at the always tasty In-N-Out Burger, and after enjoying our lunch, confirmed the dirty rumor we'd heard a while back that In-N-Out prints bible verse references on the bottom of their cups. Further inspection would reveal that it didn't stop with the cups, because apparently your delectable side of fresh cut fries comes with a light salting of Jesus as well. I suppose, for the sake of In-N-Out's tastiness I'll come to terms with the subtle proselytization, but if they start saying it at the cash register, we might have a problem.

By the time we arrived home our mail had already been delivered. After a quick glance at the pile on the floor I spied an overstuffed envelope from the Supreme Court of Arizona. Upon first glance I choose to ignore the little beast. Jonathan had run into some "unique" characters along the path in obtaining his license to practice, and the past 60 days, if not 7 some odd months have been unnecessarily, shall we say, challenging. I figured it was best we not live our lives in fear of a pudgy envelope and decided to hand it to its rightful owner. We both stood in silence while Jonathan read over the contents. After a few lengthy seconds of reading he spoke the words we've been waiting to hear for months. They're granting me the license. Its finally over.

Hooray!!! Jonathan appeared to be in a bit of shock, but after the process he/we've been through, its understandable. It may sound odd, but that letter, that moment, and those words, were even more exciting than finding out we got the keys to our house. Finally, after much stress, and one hell of a nasty roller-coaster ride, Jonathan can start his legal career as a licensed attorney. It will be another two weeks until he gets his official number, but at least its no longer an issue looming over us. Saturday, March 19th turned out to be a good day indeed!

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