Last weekend we had the pleasure of house/dog sitting. Not only did we enjoy the comfort of a heated home, cable television and a kitchen to cook in, but we got to hang out with some great canines. Max and Maggie are terrific. I don't think I've ever been as entertained when walking dogs as when I walked these two. On the leash they're like a pair of considerate sled dogs. They walk side by side, at an even pace with just the slightest bit of tension on the leash and respond to the gentlest guide for right or left.

Mr. Max tends to walk like he is on a mission, with his ears back and his nose to the wind. He's having fun but fun with attitude. On the other hand, or should I say leash, Maggie while keeping up with Max's pace is a little more laid back. Her leash always tends to have a little more slack and her ears flop about and blow in the occasional wind.
Even after carrying out their doggie business these two dogs maintain the utmost civility. There is no kicking of grass or dirt, or at times a little more than just earth, or yanking of the leash as they take off in satisfaction. Instead, both Max and Maggie are content to wait out your considerate clean up and disposal.

Don't get me wrong, I love our cats, but I can't say their on the leash behavior is half as enjoyable as that of Mr. Max and Ms. Maggie.
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