We stared our last day in Philly with the breakfast of champions from a novelty donut hot spot named Federal donuts. Federal donuts is known for their tasty coffee brews, scrumptious uniquely flavoured donuts and, logically, amazing fried chicken. Jonathan was hoping for a Lo Los-esque chicken and donuts kind of plate, but seeing that the chicken wasn't served until about 11:30, he enjoyed a pink lemonade donut while I enjoyed some sort of chocolate, coffee deliciousness. Before we left the hostess offered us a free chocolate peanut butter donut since it wasn't looking flawless enough for the display photo she was planning to send across the interwebs via social media outlets. We accepted and needless to say, enjoyed.

Coffee in hand we made our way to one of the swanky shopping avenues. We started in a store called Barbour which is London based and serves "the attire needs and preferences of the gentry". (
Insert hoity toity sound effects.) I didn't stay long seeing that their ladies sizes didn't quite meet my American woman needs, but Jonathan remained to do a bit more shopping. As it turned out, the more stores I checked out, the more I realized that apparently women in the greater Philadelphia area did not exceed a size 6. As willing as I was to spend my hard earned cash in the city of brotherly love, the city's affection for the small and spindly left me somewhat frustrated but with a few bucks saved. I eventually met back in with Jonathan and we grabbed a light lunch and beverage before walking to the Philadelphia museum of art.

We toured the modern art wing first, then meandered through the medieval weapons and armour display, followed by a stroll through a very impressive Asian wing before checking out the featured exhibit named Outsiders. The Outsiders art was supposed to be a collection of no-name, or non established/officially recognized. artists who were selected by what I understood to be art collectors/aficionados. I wasn't sure how I felt about this exhibit since initially I thought it unique and exciting that unknown artists were being recognized in such a renown museum, however the more I thought about it, I found the very concept of those choosing these new "artists" very pretentious. How is it
they got to choose whose art counted as "art"? I appreciated some of the art, but again found the whole concept somewhat odd.

Before we left the museum grounds we had to snap a pic with the Rocky statue, then hung out with Ryan a bit before going to dinner.
Kind of a silly picture, but I love it! |
We didn't do much in town before we made our way to the airport on Wednesday besides, enjoy a quick breakfast and soak in our final east coast views before returning to the desert. We enjoyed a great trip, possibly not the most restful trip we've taken, but still a nice break from routine. As much as we enjoyed our time away, Jackson and the kitties were glad to have us home, and after our long flight, we were happy to spend the night in our own bed.